Mentor Plus English for Senior High School Grade XII K-Merdeka CP 2024

Mentor Plus English for Senior High School Grade XII K-Merdeka CP 2024

Kode Buku: 1111240210
ISBN: 978-602-232-647-2
Tahun terbit: 2024
Jumlah Halaman: 176 halaman
Ketersediaan: Tersedia
Rp. 75.000

Mentor Plus English for Senior High School is a series of English workbook which follows the 2024 Learning Achievement (Capaian Pembelajaran 2024). This book has certain characteristics as follows:
1. Summary summarizes and deepens the learning materials based on the 2024 Learning Achievement (Capaian Pembelajaran 2024).
2. Assessment contains a set of listening and writing tests to assess students’ competency at certain learning achievements. The test employs various types of question: multiple choice, complex multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer, and essay with HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) questions. This book also recognizes the importance of developing literacy skills in an integrated manner.
3. Project contains activities to develop students’ knowledge and English language skills.
4. Enrichment contains a set of questions for an extra practice that can be achieved by scanning the QR Code with QR Code scanner applications in smartphones.

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